Green materials and technologies for the safe production, storage/transport and use of hydrogen

The aim of the research work is to develop ecologically and economically valuable concepts and directly transferable results for industry. In addition to the regional economy, climate protection benefits not least. We want to help develop Hessen into a technologically leading location for green materials and applications of "green" hydrogen.

Green materials form the basis for a sustainable hydrogen economy. The research work in our performance center pursues the goal of developing "green" materials and technologies for the safe production, storage, transport and use of hydrogen and for the conversion of existing structures to hydrogen applications. The focus of the Fraunhofer institutes is on materials throughout the entire hydrogen cycle. From production to transport to ultimate use.

As a central contact point for the hydrogen economy in the Rhine-Main region and beyond, material cycles of the H2 economy are sustainably closed here. Research transfer is accelerated by the partner network and the prevailing openness in the science system. This is complemented by the coordinated transfer roadmaps of the players involved and the strong interaction with industry and the public sector.

Range of services

  • Development, design and investigation of sustainable materials for hydrogen technologies
  • Development of scalable process technologies
  • Transfer of materials into applications for sustainable mobility
  • Open Lab for sustainable hydrogen technologies
  • Training of a highly qualified workforce

Developments and processes are tested and evaluated for their economic viability, sustainability, performance as well as durability and criticality.



Leistungzentrum-Wasserstoff Hessen 

c/o Fraunhofer IWKS

Aschaffenburger Straße 121

63457 Hanau